BoardBench Companies, LLC

Strategic Board Succession

As a subscription service, clients retain our services to research, build, and manage a “board bench” of exceptional candidates who are readily available to serve on their boards. This is a unique service for boards who think strategically,  are analytical in their reviews, yet need to move quickly, when warranted.  

Director and CEO Search

BoardBench provides a strategic analytical approach to director search services for a variety of clients from diverse industries. Our services are exclusive to boards and their specific responsibilities.  Boards are responsible for the long-term health and viability of their companies.  This includes ensuring that the right CEO is building and driving growth at all times.  We stand out as being able to Org_charting.jpgvery quickly deliver exceptional and reliable leaders who have been exhaustively assessed against the needs and direction of each client’s board and business. 

Extreme Board Candidate Vetting

DIY board search is a path many boards still take. Yet, few boards are skilled at this, nor at properly researching candidates.What you don't know about a director candidate may come back to hurt you and your colleagues in ways you never expected.  BoardBench provides you the assurance that you've made the right pick. Our deep-dive, detailed candidate research process tells you what might be hidden, misrepresented, or simply left unsaid by your prospective peer --before it's too late.

This type of Extreme Vetting is now being adopted by savvy public and private boards as well as  PEs and activists alike.  Foresight definitely beats hindsight.   

Strategic Advisory Boards

Strategic Advisory Boards fill a specific, and often unique, purpose in planning, supporting, and implementing a company's strategy.  For public corporations, an advisory board can further the company's position in a marketplace with new or key clients, advance or identify solutions to resolving innovation challenges, or as a short-term resource to support merger or acquisition integration, as well as other issues. 

For private companies, a strategic advisory board, if established properly, can guide an organization and its leadership to new rapid growth, controlled high-speed change, and even an IPO, if appropriate.  

Governance Reviews and Evaluations

Competent and committed boards work on a platform of continuous learning.  BoardBench evaluation tools and approaches focus on the means to effectively measure, review, and assessstones.jpg board performance against the company's strategy, objectives, regulatory compliance, industry and market challenges, and progressive governance behaviors, among other points.  Built on a customizable foundation by experienced governance, audit, operational, and risk management professionals, our evaluation methodology will enable your board to better monitor and improve its performance.

Candidate Advisory Services:  Getting Your First Board Seat

"My next goal is to get on a board."  This is a very common goal for strong, successful professionals.  The challenge is that you're among hundreds, and now even thousands of executives who seek to achieve the same goal.  Only a few are actually selected to join this elite group.  Yet, many who are better than those chosen, never reach that goal.  Board service is something to be taken seriously and not just placed on a Wish List.  For those who are ready and able to make that leap, we offer private advisory services that educate and show exceptional professionals how to avoid the traps, where and how to search, and ultimately make the leap from a "want to be," to respected Corporate Director.


For more information on any of our offerings please call us directly or submit your request by clicking here to reach the BoardBench Contact page.

BoardBench Companies, LLC  | Tampa, FL USA | 203.493.0080 |

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